Monday, July 16, 2012

Bendito Sea Tu Nombre

                                          Beach day with my girls :)  We like palm trees.
                                                 We like tires on the beach too!!! :)
 The Smith kids, Mulliax kids, Melissa, and me.  A prime example of the affects of too much Salvadorean sun. :)
 Felice and I with our "freezing in the pool" face. 
Richard, Jen, and the kids at our last Sunday at church.

  Words somehow don't even seem good enough, or even seem to begin to come tonight, as this is my last blog in El Salvador.  Tomorrow is our last full day here, then leave bright and early Wednesday morning for our flight.  My heart seems bursting with so many different things right now.  Sadness. Memories. Excitement. Somewhat a sense of loss.  But most of all tonight, it is bursting with gratitude to my Lover, Jesus Christ, for how he leads me, loves me, and the amazing opportunity He gave me to come and get to know this family, whom I have come to love dearly. For each of the many sweet times I have spent with each and every one of them.  For the "new family members" I have found here.  For the "new big brother" I have found in Richard. For the sweet, gentle, amazing, answer to prayer, friend I have found in Jen,  and for the four awesome little people that have so easily stolen their way into my heart.  For the new sisters in Christ I have found.  For the amazing staff at Wired I have had the honor to know.  Not to mention the countless other people I have met, the children that will forever be etched in my heart and memory, and the lessons that My Jesus has so patiently taught me.  What it is to be truly broken before Him every moment of the day.  What it means to be grateful when you truly have nothing on this earth. I can hardly see the screen now for the tears that are welling up in my eyes, but I will keep going, so hopefully you can read it.  Hopefully my spelling is still correct. haha.  Thank you, Jesus.  Even when I didn't know it, Your leading was so accurate, so precise, so RIGHT, and I bless your name.
  Friday was the big day of moving out of the house, or at least getting a good start.  Then Saturday was finishing up... to the last box, the last shoe, the last purse, the last water bottle. :)  We are now staying in a hotel the last couple of nights here, so that everything was all finished up and taken care of at the house when we leave.  Seeing the empty house, freshly painted, completely clean, was when it hit me that in just a few days my life that I have had for the last three months would be over in a few days.  I went out on my balcony one last time (yes, the same balcony I climbed onto from the roof... in a dress... one dark night :)  and cried a few tears.  Then since then there have been a few goodbyes here and there.  Tomorrow will be the big gully washer, as there is a farewell party at Wired.  Then the dam breaks on Wednesday at the Dallas airport, as that is where we part ways.  But these are definitely people that you know you will keep in touch with.  And Lord willing, this will only be "see you later", rather than a goodbye.  We'll see what He has in store.
  I'm excited to see what God has in store for me when I get home,  as I know that He will lead me one step at a time.  Look how I ended up here??? :)  I'm so thankful for the plans that He has for us, although it takes some breading and pain sometimes on our part to actually give in to the ones He has.  But, Jesus, I bless your name tonight.  You are so worthy.  It is an honor to serve You.
  So, besides continuing to have a bursting heart, there really seem to be no more words.  Again, I thank each and every one of you have lifted me up to the Father in prayer.  Please continue to pray for the Mullinaxes, as well, as the Wired Ministry, as God is doing great things here.  I have so enjoyed keeping you all updated, and being able to write and process some thoughts.  Who knows, maybe I'll keep up the blog even when I get home.  We'll see. :)  In any chapter, any season of life, it is a joy to say, "Blessed Be Your Name".   "Bendito Sea Tu Nombre."  Thank you, My Jesus.
  So, for the last time writing in El Salvador, this is your Mission Nanny, Laura, signing off. ;)


Monday, July 9, 2012

One Last Time...

All changes are more or less tinged with melancholy, for what we are leaving behind is part of ourselves.
Amelia Barr                                                                                                                                                               

To all my faithful readers and prayer warriors out there who have been so incredibly encouraging and uplifting, I say, thank you. It seems impossible that I only have a grand total of nine days left in this country and with these people I have grown to love so dearly, and yet, sadly, it is true. There has been so much learning, growing, happiness, and joy in this house that is nearly packed up and ready to move.
This week is what I call my week of "One last times". One last time helping with a scavenger hunt. One last time going to Tia Anna's (saying goodbye there was hard). One last time going to Union Church. One last time eating lunch with Whitney. One last time at the beach. One last time at the market. One last time to "The Farm". One last time at Broken. (Maybe I'll be back there some day... God knows!!) Soon there will be even more difficult "one last times". Such as sleeping in this house, seeing each of my amazing friends at Wired, hearing certain phrases and words from "my" kids. One last time ordering food in Spanish. All of these things are things I never even thought about missing... until it is the last time.
                                                         Sweet Marcos, one of the boys at Tia Anna's.

                                                      Beautiful little Carly.
                                                 Whitney and I.  She made me feel so at home :)

Today was the day when I think everyone felt like we are "officially" leaving in a few days.  Some members of the current team came to help pack and paint.  Seeing things get moved around and left there, ready to take out the door, seems to make it real.  They did an amazing job, and I still can't believe how much they got done in the amount of time that they were here.
Despite the sadness of leaving, it is so encouraging to know that God knows what He's doing, as always.  In spite of all the "one last times" that are going on, that also means that myriads of "first times" are getting ready to come. Whatever shape or form that takes is in my Savior's hands, but is exciting none the less.  I have fallen in love with so many different things and people in El Salvador, which means part of me is definitely staying here.  I would love to come back, if God has that in His plans... we'll see. ;)

I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you who have taken the time to contact me.  You can't know how much that makes my day when I get a letter, e mail, message on FB, or a phone call on Skype.  I so appreciate you taking time out of your day for that purpose.  It may not seem like much, but you'd be surprised how many people don't, and how much it means when you do.  From the bottom of my heart, I say... Thank you!!!
And tomorrow... it's off to the beach with some of the greatest girls in the world!!!!!! :) :)

Friday, June 29, 2012

Missing...# 2 :)

"Prayer is the language of a man burdened with a sense of need." ~E.M. Bounds 

Arrow's expression while having an "Owl Eye" butterfly on his hand :)

  Thanks to all of you and a lot of other prayers going up to the throne of heaven, the last week has drastically improved, as Alton is now basically back to normal. Everyone has gotten some great rest and is now refreshed for the last three (yes, only three!!) weeks left here in San Salvador. Jen, the kids and I leave the 18th for The United States of America :) Richard will follow them in a couple of weeks. We'll fly together to Dallas and then split ways. Pray for me as I'm sure I will be getting stares from security and flight attendants as a crazy wailing woman walking through the airport. ;) As much as I miss my family and my "home in the boonies", it will be a sad day to part ways, for however long God sees fit, with my "new" family. But I am excited for what God will continue to do in the next three weeks, as well as when I get home, and through the Mullinaxes as they go to Montana.

Such deep concentration :)

 To lighten this heavy, depressing (aagghh!!!) mood, I thought I would post my biggest "misses" about home, since I posted my "miss list" of El Salvador last time. Some of the things will only make sense to certain people, or only if you are a hick like me.;) Many things are very fickle, and are things that I never really thought about until I didn't have them. Anyway, enjoy!!!
My Justin Gypsies go wherever I go... Uhuh :)

Long walks ~ Nephews who give me kisses ~ Clear blue skies ~ Whole milk that tastes like... milk ~ Godiva chocolate ~ Biscuits and gravy ( oh yaeh!! ) ~ Four wheelin' ~ My piano ~ Checking cows just before the sun sets ~ My "Phantom of the Opera" soundtrack ~ Dad's giggle ~ Mom's hugs and laugh ~ My car ~ Dirt roads ~ Rack, the most awesome, toughest dog you will ever meet ~ The smell of feedlot (which is the smell of money, don't ya know?? ) ~ Homemade ice cream ~ Brushin' and braidin' Mom's hair at random times ~ Hearing "waterfall" birds ~ My bed (this stuff is SO profound, I know haha )~ Miss Janel and Miss Cerina's lovely smiles and hugs ~ Little boys screaming "Auntie!!" as they run with outstretched arms ~ Turning on a movie with Mom and falling asleep five minutes later ~ Texting ~ People understanding me in public places ~ Driving in absolutely NO traffic ~ Seeing a sky full of stars (the most I've seen here at one time is 3) ~ Matthew's "What a Deal" ~ Quiet nights in the country ~ Little blonde heads ~ The independence of jumping in my car and going whenever I want ~ Cool breezes at night ~ Hearing the bull frogs after a hard rain ~ My "Pride and Prejudice" and "Man from Snowy River" soundtracks ~ Being called "Cakie" ~ Being called the most random nicknames by all three of my brothers ~ Playing Scrabble with Jason~  Summer garage sale-ing with my sistas ~.

There will be more added to this, as it too grows daily. For those of you in my home state of Colorado, I want you to know that my prayers are also with you. I have been keeping up on the news of the horrible fires that are still burning, as well as the incredibly dry and hot conditions. I am here, but part of my heart is there with you. I watched the news in horror on Wednesday of the footage of all the houses burning up in Colorado Springs. Please pray for weather for my home. The situation is getting pretty dire in Eastern CO as well, and tough decisions are being made by ranchers, as grass is running out. It rains here nearly everyday or night, which I love, because I have grown up seeing how desperate it can be without it.

I pray you all take courage and encouragement tonight from the excellent, amazing, awesome name and person of Jesus.  He is so worthy and waiting to be praised.

I have a tradition when I travel to take a picture of my bare feet.
This time two precious little tanned feet joined me. :)

Don't ever believe someone if they say you can't fit at least seven people in a taxi... and for those of who WILL question, there are two people in the front, and yes, there are only five in the picture. haha


Friday, June 22, 2012

I miss....

 Hello there from a slightly cooler El Salvador (atleast the past few days anyway).  I actually didn't even use my fan lastnight, and even put on a little blanket the night before!! It's been pretty nice actually.  It has been a tough week here in the Mullinax household, as Alton (almost 9) has been sick since last Friday.  For several days he had a high fever and nausea, and after a couple of trips to the doctor, the diagnosis was mono.  Jen has been faithfully caring for him nonstop upstairs, while we try to keep the younger ones occupied downstairs.  Needless to say, this has been pretty challenging for everybody.  He is doing much better now, but it will be slow going.  Thanks to some really awesome people on staff at Wired, (and Richard and Jen's encouragement) I had a very refreshing day off yesterday, as Elijah and Christy ( a new intern at Wired) came over and took the kids to the zoo.  Prayers for strength and refreshing for Richard, Jen and all of the kids, health for Alton, and a fresh wave of creativity for me would be much appreciated.  Yesterday and the day before I seemed to hit "the wall" of my creativity and somewhat of my energy, and just couldn't seem to come up with new, exciting things for the kids to do.  It's amazing what a day off will do.
  There is now less than four weeks left here, and everyone is beginning to sense the oncoming change.  I began to compile a list of things I will miss about El Salvador, as well as a list of things I miss about home.  I thought it would be fun to see what I would come up with, and I keep adding things everyday. :) 
  So far... about El Salvador I will miss...
Hearing "Buenos Dias" every morning ~ Parakeets flying over~ Papusas~ Jugglers at the stoplights ~ Little kids waving to me as they pass my room ~ Rain ~ Palm trees ~ Twelve ft. tall weeds (for reals!!) ~ Fresh mangoes ~ Fresh pineapple ~ Every noise veing drownded out at night by a fan ~ Hearing "You Are My Sunshine" every night from little boys and their mommy ~ Nestor's laugh ~ Short Spanish lessons with Aura ~ The beach!! ~ Skip Bo ;) ~ Melissa's hugs ~ Raquel's giggles ~ Being asked to help with homework ~ Amazement at Alton and Felice's Spanish ~ Being constantly commented on my draaawwwllll :) ~ Reminders several times a day of how spoiled and utterly blessed I am, just by having clean water and 3 meals a day ~ Exotic plants and flowers at every place ~ Incredibly friendly strangers ~ Little girls singing with their Daddy ~ Wireless Internet - haha real profound, I know ~ Little geckos running across the wall ~ Three dollar Chinese food ~ Jen's incredible patience ~ Richard's "big brother sarcasm", which is surprisingly like my oldest brother :) ~ Veronica, a little girl at Esperanza y Vida ~ Walter, a little boy at Tia Ana's ~ Little brown skinned babies ~ Checking out my window every morning to see if it's clear enough to see the volcano ~ Sara's beautiful smile ~ Dance offs in the living room ~ Hundreds of different butterflies ~ Fresh Mames~ Jugo de Grenada (Grenada Juice - It's REALLY good) ~ Liz's laugh and hugs ~ Singing "The Wheels on the Bus" with Raquel~ Sing alongs with Nate and his eucalale ~.
  So far that's what I got.  Again, it grows daily, and will probably MASSIVELY grow in my last week or so here.  Maybe this gives you all a little more "in depth" glimpse of what my time here is like.
  Next time I will post my list about home.  It's funny how many things we take for granted and don't even think about, until they're not at our fingertips. 
  "But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."  Isaiah 40:31

Sunday, June 17, 2012

English makes sense? Really?!

   Hola y Feliz el Dia de Padre!!  Hi and Happy Father's Day!!  I hope this Sunday afternoon finds you all well.  There is actually a cool breeze going through the house right now, so I am pretty good. :)  Father's Day is different without my Dad for the first time ever in my life, but I was able to call him on his cell phone, so that was cool.  The kids took breakfast to their dad in bed today, along with little gifts they had made him.  Ah, those were the days.  Made me think of when me and my brothers were little munchkins.  So much so, that  I wrote a poem about it!!  Which I may put on here... maybe, someday.  I truly am blessed to have an amazing Dad.  That not only fathered me, but also loved me no matter what, and did his best to guide me in the ways of my Heavenly Father.
I love this guy :)

  Yesterday several of my friends that are on staff at Wired were having an interesting conversation about English.  Edwin, from here in San Salvador, asked, "Why do you guys use 'up' so much?".  It took awhile to figure out exactly why he would think that, but by the end of the conversation, it got me wondering the same thing.  We say "up" is a direction, right?  The opposite of  down?  Right.  That's why we say "get up", "stand up", "lift up", or "push up".  But what about  "dress up", clean up", or "catch up"?  Those really have nothing to do with an actual direction.  Not to mention "what's up", "throw up", "eat up", "sit up", or "saddle up".  Could we atleast say that when we use "up", it always has the same conotation, somewhat of the same meaning?  We all thought so.  But then how do you explain "shut up", "speak up", and "listen up"?  Two have pretty much the same meaning, but then the other one is the complete opposite.  We say something "lights up", or "opens up".  We tell kids to "shape up".  We say to "drink up".  We "whip up", or "cook up" some breakfast.  Then we "wash up" the dishes.  Then we "hang up" the clothes, and "mop up" the floor.  We "turn up" the TV, and "start up" the car.  After we get "fixed up" to go to work.  I can go on, but I think you're probably getting the point.  However, if you have some more that you would like to add, I would love to here them!!! :)  Needless to say, all we could say, is we have no idea why we use "up" so much.  English just makes perfect sense to us because we've spoken it since we were two years old.  But does it really?  Interesting.
  A team arrived here last Saturday and left Friday, and another one arrives today.  So busy times around here.  I am so blessed with the family God has given me the privilege of serving and spending time with, as well as the many friends I have made here in San Salvador.  I have met people that will be lifetime friends, and look forward to each day I get to spend here.  This week the plan is to get some major packing done, in preparation for the Mullinaxe's move back to the States on July 18th.  So almost exactly a month now.  I would like to ask you all to pray for Alton ( almost 9) as he has something that is causing him to have a fever and just not feel good.  Hopefully they will be able to figure out what is causing it tomorrow.  I love you all and pray you have a blessed day with your Dad as well as our heavenly Daddy, Abba.

Whenever I go somewhere new, I always get a picture of my bare feet. This time some little ones joined me :)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

No Se Puede Ayudar A Enamorarse

  I would really like to impress you all and say I came up with the title all in my own "massive Espanol vocabulary"  (yaeh right!!!), but I had to look it up on Microsoft translator. :)  In English, it is "Can't Help Falling In Love".  That is such a fitting title, because once again this week, I have fallen in love.   This precious little lady is Veronica.  She is one of the angels I met at Esperanza y Vida (Hope and Life) yesterday. 
  Esperanza y Vida is a shelter for children who either have HIV, or who are affected by HIV (their parents or family members have it, and they need someone to care for them, etc.).  I had the privilege of going yesterday with the current team that is at Wired to visit and spend time with these kids.  The team spent the afternoon helping them with schoolwork, playing games, and singing songs.  As well as helping with cleaning or jobs around the shelter.  I was a floater that got to go around and meet different kids, but this little girl captured my heart.  She is 2 years old and loves to giggle and give hugs.  (Can you tell by the awesome face smashin' hug in the picture??)  She knows lots of colors and numbers, and I met her when she was lining up little miniature chairs and wanted me to sit in one.  Even with my VERY limited Spanish, I was able to talk to her and we had a blast. I'm so glad a smile, hugs, kisses and giggles are the same in any language. :) Hopefully I will be able to spend some more time with her.
  It continues to amaze me how happy the kids are here, even, when in my point of view, they have so little.  Kids in the States (including this kid ;)  are SO spoiled and have so much.  Having only necessities (and sometimes not even that much!!) here is a way of life.
  Life continues to be full of learning countless things everyday, and learning to trust and rely on my Savior, and making new friends.  Thank you all for your continuing prayers and support.  Anyone of you that have Skype, give me a call some evening!! Most evenings are pretty free from about 7:30 on, and I would love to hear from you and what is going on in your lives as well. 
  May each of you walk in the full joy of Jesus, in the way that only He can give it.

Friday, June 8, 2012


  I want to begin by thanking each of you who prayed for me this last week, about my throat sickness stuff.  I'm doing much better, and it's pretty much over now.  The glands in my throat are still a little swelled, but are continuing to get better.  I was downing Echinacea and Vitamin C really heavy, and that combined with all of you praying for me did the trick.  I so appreciate all of you and your heart for prayer.  It's such a comfort and strength knowing that I have that support and a team of people that are lifting me up to the Father's heart.  When I really started feeling better though, was actually when I started taking these each night...
Hahaha, chocolate is good for whatever ails you.  Really!!    Atleast it made my day anyway :)
  In other news, one of the interns, Anna, who was here for three months, left last week, and we all miss her.  El Salvador isn't quite the same without her, but I will be able to see her again soon, Lord willing, as she is going to Ellerslie, a Christian Mission Training school in Windsor, CO.  We plan to get together sometime when I get back.  She's pretty cool, and I'm blessed to have gotten to know her.

  Everyday continues to be a learning experience.  I learn a few more Spanish words everyday.  Some stick, and some don't. ;)  I wish they  all did.  I'm continuing to love it here... the people, learning the culture, the fruit ( oh yaeh!!), and all that I'm getting to experience.  Although I must say, this country girl is beginning to miss her outdoors and all that goes with it.  I miss going on long walks down a dirt road that stretches out for ever ahead of me when it looks like a thunderstorm is approaching, and then getting rained on before I get home.  I miss checking cows and driving where I see no one at all on the road.  All part of being a self proclaimed hick living in the city ;)  But I am also enjoying every single minute here, because I know it will be over before I know it.  The challenge is before me that is always before me.  To do as one of my favorite quotes by Jim Elliot says... "Wherever you are, be all there. Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God."  That was my motto before I came to El Salvador.  Funny it still is when I'm here.  To not worry, or be living in tomorrow... next week... next month... even the next moment.  I always used to wish God would give me a clue as to what He was thinking about my future.  To just lay it all out for me where I knew what He had coming.  I don't know what will happen when I get home.  What He will have me to do. Sometimes it would be nice if I knew.  But then what would I have to trust Him for?  What would I have to depend on Him for?  He continues to let me know that He is the one leading, I am the one following, and all I need is one step at a time.  All I have to do is take that one step as He lays it out.  It's called trusting.  Sounds so simple, but is probably one of the hardest lessons I am learning.  Because I like to be in control.  But it's when I give the control over, hand over reigns to Him, that trust really begins to take ahold.  Pray that I will continue to trust Him, and also for direction when I do get home.  For the courage to wait for the next step, and then take it when it comes.
"God has wisely kept us in the dark concerning future events and reserved for himself the knowledge of them, that he may train us up in a dependence upon himself and a continued readiness for every event."
Matthew Henry

                         All you can eat meat at Intercontinental Restaurant. Yaeh Baby!!! ;)